Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

We spent Christmas this year in Alaska with Adam's parents. It was Grayson's first time on an airplane, and we were a little apprehensive. I came prepared with toys, books, bottle, sippy cup, Cheerios, baby candy (aka Gerber Puffs), blanket, three pacifiers...you get the picture. Although Grayson was VERY squirmy, overall he did a great job.

He loved looking out the window, and he would smile and point out different things to us.Here he is waving goodbye to Seattle.
And here he is checking out the snow as we flew into Anchorage.

As we predicted, he didn't sleep a wink but my bag of tricks was enough to keep him entertained for the flight (along with a walk with Adam to the back of the plane and some very sweet flight attendants). We had such a great time in Alaska. I loved that we had the opportunity to just live life together. My in-laws were able to see what every day life is like for Grayson and experience all of the little things that make this little guy so special.

We spent one afternoon at the Imaginarium in the local museum. Although most of the things there were for older kids, Grayson still had so much fun and was curious about everything. It is so much fun to experience everything again through the eyes of a child. The world is just packed with new and fascinating adventures for them!
Watching the balls get sucked up the tube.
Going for a ride on the swing with Dad.
Playing with balls with Grandma Lew.

Aunt Kellie and Uncle Al joined us a couple days later. The Christmas festivities continued...decorating cookies, watching Christmas movies, listening to festive music...

trying on Santa hats.

Grayson learned to somewhat say "Ho, ho, ho!". He also learned to sing! When music would be playing he would literally be singing along. One morning he even was able to let Grandma Lew know he wanted music to be turned on. Once she got it going...he started singing!

We bundled Grayson up and took him out for his very first sled ride. Since the temperature dropped as low as -8, we couldn't stay outside very long. In fact, the moment we stepped outside our nose hairs froze. Brrrr!!

In SO many layers! He looked like the kid from The Christmas Story. Leggings, pants, onesie, sweater, coat, hat, socks, boots, mittens, blanket...his little nose was cold, but the rest of him was roasty toasty.
Mush Auntie Kellie, Mush!
Loving the sunshine.
Helping Auntie Kellie wrap gifts.

More to come...

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