Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen...We Have A Walker!

Thursday started off like any other day. Grayson was playing with his toys and reading books in the family room. He has been doing laps back and forth across the room using his walker, and he was getting pretty good. Picking up speed and walking a little less like a cowboy after a long ride. I came into the room and sat on the floor as he pushed his walker wagon into the side of the pack-n-play. Rather than plop to the ground...he turned...and walked to the coffee table!
His face was priceless! He looked at me in astonishment. Probably due to a combination of my obnoxious squeals that I couldn't contain and the fact that his little unsteady legs had carried him across the floor. He gets very proud of himself and walks with a HUGE smile on his face. Once he falls he most often will begin clapping for his efforts.

He walked about 5-6 feet several times during the day. My dad came over that afternoon and watched as G walked the length of the rug (9ft). Today Adam informed me that Grayson walked from the family room, down the hall and into his room!
(I love that you can see his tongue stuck out in concentration in this picture. The funniest thing about this quirk of Grayson's is that Adam does the same thing when in deep concentration. Haha! Like father, like son.)

Day 1 of walking, G's legs had a cowboy stance. Day 2, he took tiny unsteady and frequent steps. Day 3, he's walking down the hall! I believe we have a fast learner on our hands!

1 comment:

  1. Your life just changed forever, lol. Good job Grayson!!! Now the REAL adventure begins :)
