Friday, April 15, 2011

Napa Valley...Part 3

Day 4 we headed into Napa Valley where we were treated to a private tasting at Boyd. My dad went to college with the winemaker, Stan Boyd. His home was beautiful, and we sipped delicious wine and munched on Cougar Gold cheese while sitting on the back deck surrounded by his vineyards.
The back deck.

Grayson loved running around on the Boyd's property.

I LOVE this picture! His hair! Ha!

Showing a leaf he found to Nana.


Horsebites from Papa!

Day 5 we were able to go to another private tasting with a winemaker named Trent Moffett of Moffett Wine. His wine is stored in a cave, and this was the first time I was able to do a barrel tasting. Very fun!
This was basically what Grayson looked like the entire time in the cave. A blur! He has no fear, and would run down the length of the cave and into the side rooms.

This was the only way I could keep G near me long enough to get a taste of wine...stuffing his cheeks with crackers!


He loves looking at flowers...otherwise known as "ra"! These pictures were taken at the Turnbull Winery.

Katelyn and Kerry at Merryvale. Love their wine!

This was the first fountain that we let him get wet in. Pretty much after this time he wanted to jump in every fountain he saw!

Happy kid! I don't think he had any idea that we were on a wine tour. In his mind I think he thought we were on a fountain tour! He was such a trooper. He slept on the go and was happy nearly the entire trip.

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