Friday, May 6, 2011


On the Saturday before Easter we attended an Easter bash at First Free by SPU. It was so much fun! Grayson joined his group just in time to catch the puppet show. It was the first time he saw puppets, and he was mesmerized.

The next station was decorating bags for the egg hunt. G gave his bag a few scribbles and put on a couple stickers with my help, and he was ready to go!

We walked across the street to the loop at SPU. Eggs were strewn across the grass...all in plain sight. Adam had to hold Grayson back until we got the go ahead to start hunting. Grayson was thrilled to find so many "balls"!
He was the first to start hunting and the last to finish. Although no eggs made it into the bag without the assistance of Adam, he made a good haul!
Watching as Daddy opens his eggs for him.
Pretty excited about his bag of goodies. He wasn't able to eat the candy, but he loved wearing the stickers on his sweater.

The next stop was the gym for the bouncy house. Grayson of course made a bee line for the balloons. These days he points out every balloon he sees!

Once all of the other kids had left the bounce house, Grayson got to go in. Adam looks like he is pouncing on Grayson, but he's really just bouncing him up and down a bit. Grayson loved it!

Uncle Al scored a balloon for G to take home. Unfortunately, right after I took this picture the balloon floated out of his hand. It was loved while it lasted!

We went to have lunch at Bakery Nouveau and soaked in the sun at Alki Beach. What a memorable day!

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