Thursday, June 2, 2011

First Trip to the Aquarium

When Stan and Joan were in town they took us big kids and Grayson to the aquarium in Seattle. It was such a fun day, and I think we loved it just as much as Grayson!

We had a feeling that Grayson was ready for the aquarium since he has been pointing out fish in books and loves to look at the fish tank in the doctor's office.
We were right! He had a blast!
Checking out the fish with Daddy!

Auntie Kellie teaching Grayson about the octopus.

We were surrounded by sea lions and sea otters, but Grayson's favorite part was the fake Orca fin sticking out of the floor. Ha!

I love how you can see all three of their reflections in the glass.

Family photos.

After the aquarium we walked down the waterfront to Ivars. Amazing clam chowder! Yum! We ate in the covered area, and I later found out it was a good thing. People were tossing fries at the seagulls who were dive bombing the crowd. Yikes!
Grayson thought it was great fun. He loved pointing out the birds to Grandpa.

What a fun day!

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