Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Grayson wasn't able to meet Christian until he came home due to tight regulations at the NICU. So up until yesterday, Grayson had only seen pictures. That was enough to get him talking about his new cousin.

He declared his love for "Bebe Christian" several times and asked that he be able to read his current favorite book "Go, Dog, Go!" to him. So when we took him over to meet Christian, that's exactly what he did.
I was a little (ok, a lot) nervous about how he would act around Christian. G has had trouble with being gentle with babies, and I thought he might act similarly this time around. Luckily, that wasn't the case. We instructed him to use one finger to touch Christian's hands. Grayson gently reached out with one finger to stroke that soft buttery baby skin. He then delighted when Christian held onto his finger while also holding onto mine. I read "Go,
Dog, Go!" and Grayson lit up at the bike and boat pages he'd specifically said he wanted to show Christian.
It was such a cute moment. I can't help but dream about what lays ahead for these two boys. All the things Grayson is already excited to teach Christian. The playing and adventures they will discover together. The bruises and battle wounds they will show off to one another. The songs they will sing and books they will read. The block towers they will build and the messy meals they will eat. So many more special moments ahead for these two.

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