Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Three Months and A Day!

It's hard to believe, but our little peanut is due to arrive in a short three months and one day! This pregnancy seems to be flying by! I owe you all some baby bump pictures...I'll work on that in the next few days. Right now baby is the size of a cauliflower and weighs almost 2 pounds. He's a little kicker too! Sometimes Adam and I will just watch my stomach move with all of his kicks and hits. Apparently he likes the sound of Adam's voice because almost every time Adam talks to the baby, he'll start moving around and kicking. It's adorable and I love it!

I have a pretty big announcement to make...we've officially named our son. Drum roll please....

Grayson True Lewis

Grayson is a name we've both fallen in love with. True is in honor of Adam's dad (its his middle name) and Adam's great-grandfather (it was his first name). It's been so much fun to start calling our baby by his name.

I feel like I should go cut some strips of construction paper and make a countdown chain because Grayson will be here before we know it!


  1. Beautiful name!! I loved that name in the nanny diaries-so awesome! Can't wait to find out what we're having too...

  2. Yessss! So he was SEMI-officially named at the cabin that weekend ;-) Love it!
