I have mentioned Grayson has a "crying time" each day. He's started an awful habit of crying from 6pm-9pm. Because of this time, we have had to find some solutions to the problem. There are a few things that we can try when Grayson is crying. If he's not hungry, in need of a diaper change, bored or scared...we pull out the big guns. We dance with him (waltzing is his favorite), we put him in the bouncer chair (with the buns buzzer on), we put him in the Ergo carrier, we bounce with him on the exercise ball, and we try a combo of singing, dancing and bouncing while patting his bottom.
The other surefire calming option is to simply lay him on his changing table. Strange, but true.He loves laying there and staring at the painting on the wall (he's only just recently noticed the mobile, and so far he's not really interested). The paintings were custom made by my sister-in-law, Kellie (Hi Kellie! Love you!).
I am so happy to see this! Love you and love Grayson! So glad the paintings are a success.