Grayson and I spent the afternoon at home. I have
Grayson on the
Babywise schedule which basically consists of eating time, wake time and then sleep time (in that order). The activities he does during his wake time are pretty basic. Tummy time, a walk in the stroller, sitting in his bouncer chair, "reading" a book and leaning on my knees and "talking" are all favorite activities.
Today we spent some time " talking". He is getting more and more interactive every day. He responds to things I say with huge smiles that light up his face, he'll suck in his breath in a kind of laugh, and coo and sigh. Oh I love that sweet face and those big eyes!

We went over to Uncle Alex (who is insisting on being called Uncle Al...still not sure about that one :)) and Auntie Kellie's house. We had dinner and spent time together watching the Olympics.
Grayson's face lit up in the biggest smile that moment Alex walked in the door and he wouldn't take his eyes off of him. It was so adorable! This is a bad picture of them together, but I forgot my camera and had to use my phone.

We set up the pack n play in their bedroom and we put
Grayson to bed. It was the first time he'd gone to sleep at someone
else's house. he fell
asleep almost immediately. I'm so proud of the little guy! Hopefully he'll continue to go to sleep just as easily so we can do this again soon!
Love this picture of Uncle Al and Baby Gray. So happy it worked so well for you guys to come over!!