Friday, February 12, 2010

My Baby Is One Month Old?!

On Tuesday Grayson had his one month well baby exam. I have always been biased in thinking that he is advanced for his age, but this time it was confirmed by the doctor! His doctor was very impressed with all of his smiles, eye contact and how strong his neck and shoulders are.
Grayson is a big boy, and weighed in at 11lbs. which the 70-90 percentile. His length was 24 3/4" which is the 95 percentile. His doctor said that if he continues in this percentile I'll eventually be looking up to my 6'5" baby! Oh my!
He also had to get a shot. He was smiling the biggest smile at the nurse, and his sweet face went into a look of shock once she gave him the shot. He cried for a short 30 seconds and then he was back to his sweet little self. Oh how I love this boy!

It is such a blessing to have such a healthy and happy boy!


  1. Way to grow little Grayson! Can't say enough about *how* cute he is! I love him :)

  2. Wonderful ! WE are in Seattle this weekend and want to see him. We will give you a call on Sunday and see if you all are home. :)
    Aunt Laura

  3. This is my favorite of all the photo shoots!
