Friday, March 5, 2010

Grayson Turns Two...Months That Is

Grayson is two months old! I know everyone says this, but...time with him is flying by! I just can't believe it. I was looking at pictures of Grayson's first week at home and he looks like a different baby! Look at how much he's changed:(Grayson at 1 week old)

Grayson - you are TWO months old!!

What are you up to?

You weigh 12.3 lbs. and in the 75th percentile. You were off the charts in length at 25 3/4 inches! You're a long boy! Daddy hopes that you'll be a basketball player...preferably at Gonzaga! You are starting to grow out of your 0-3 month clothes, so I'm starting to put you in 3 month clothes and some 3-6 month clothes.

You are SO social! You are starting to "talk" a lot more now, and you're smiling a ton. You love to sit in your bouncer chair and talk to the animals hanging from it. You also love to talk when you're lying on your changing table or leaning against my knees. The pediatricians continue to be impressed with the amount of eye contact you're making.
You are starting to be interested in your toys. You like looking at books and have started reaching out towards the pages. The other day you grabbed onto the pole above your bouncer chair on your own, so I think it's only a matter of time before you're able to hold your rattles and other toys.

We're still working on helping you become a better sleeper. You've always slept well in the night, but you're still waking up after about 3.5 to 4 hours. I usually put you to bed at 7pm with another feeding at 10pm. you wake up around 2am, and then again at 6ish. You go in and out of sleep, and then I get you up for the day at 7am. Your naps are still short, but you're getting into a deeper sleep for them. I can always count on you taking a good nap when we go for walks! Ha!
You're always wanting to look around, and you'll crane your neck in order to see what's going on. You still love to look at the sky and at lights. You can see farther now, and are maintaining eye contact very well.

You love to cuddle. In fact, if you could, I think you would prefer to sleep in someone's arms for all of your naps! You like to get snuggled up in your blanket and be held as you fall asleep.
You are just a joy to me, and I am loving every moment of being your Mama!

1 comment:

  1. I love his faces! I showed these pictures to my class today and they love the giant Pooh bear :)
    Grayson is of course like a celebrity in our room!
