Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Big Boy

On Tuesday we took Grayson in for his 9 month well-baby check up. It was officially determined that he is a healthy and growing baby boy.
His height is 31.2 inches which puts him above the 95 percentile! He's still on track to be around 6 foot 4 inches tall! Wow! I think we need to begin a savings account for the sole purpose of paying for all of the food this little guy is going to eat over the years!
His weight was 19 pounds and 8.5 ounces which puts him in the 25-50 percentile. Our doctor said this was normal because he's doing SO much moving right now, and he has tall genes so the calories are going towards him growing up. We got the ok to start feeding him from the table (Which means we can start letting him eat foods we're eating. Less pureeing and more chopping/mashing.). We also go the ok to start letting him sleep with a blanket. He took his first nap today with far he moves too much to keep it on him at all. Grayson was right on track for everything. The moving, talking, eye contact, eating...everything looks good! We feel very blessed to have such a healthy baby boy.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Kyla..he is precious. I can't wait to get my arms around him.
