Saturday, November 19, 2011

A List of Thanks

I have been talking with Grayson a lot this week about what Thanksgiving is. I think he remembers that it's about things we love and turkey. Haha!

I asked him the other day to tell me all of the things he is thankful for. Here was his list:
Daddy, Mommy, Nana, Papa, Katelyn, Kerry, Bauer, Bobo, Harley, Uncle Alex, Kellie, Grandma, Grandpa, Duke, trucks, school buses, diggers, dump trucks and tractors. I love the things an almost 2 year old is thankful for.

The photo above has nothing to do with this post, but it was a fun picture from an afternoon spent at home. Instead of just coloring on paper, I let G spend a little time coloring in the tub with his tub crayons. He thought it was great!

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