Sunday, November 18, 2012

One Month

I can't believe that our beautiful girl is already one month old! She is such a joy and I adore being her Mommy. She definitely keeps me on my toes. Balancing life with two kids has been hard. Having two kids has been a more difficult transition than going from none to one. 


She is such a happy baby and loves being held and cuddled. She loves to sleep, but just prefers doing it in your arms. She's getting better at taking naps in her crib, but still has a tough time at night. She sleeps  best in the bouncer chair as it seems to help with gas relief in the evening.

Outings have included church, bible study, family outing to the park, Seattle and Nana and Papa's house. She loves sitting in the bouncer chair and reaches out for the animals.

She's wearing size newborn and 0-3 clothes, and newborn diapers. No smiles yet, but she is making a lot of eye contact. She loves looking at lights and at the trees when we're driving in the car. 

1 comment:

  1. She's beautiful! The first month or two is the hardest... one morning you'll wake up and everything will just flow smoothly like you've always had 2!
