Wednesday, November 28, 2012


We had such a great time at the cabin for Thanksgiving. We all enjoyed spending time with family. Grayson and Makenna got lots of cuddles from everyone.
We read oodles of books. One of my favorite things to do at the cabin. Grayson told me the other day that "books are his favoritist thing ever". It makes my heart happy to know that my boy loves books as much as I do.

Makenna got loves from everyone. She was able to meet a lot of people from my mom's side of the family for the first time. They all adored my sweet girl.
She had a very hard time sleeping there. She refused to sleep in the pack and play. We finally got her to sleep in the car seat. Whatever works.

I got to give lots of loves and kisses to my little nephew. How adorable is he?! He is changing so much and growing up quickly! He showed off all his new moves, like pulling himself up to stand at his activity table.
Grayson has that same table at home. In fact we had it out for a long time recently when he found it hiding in the nursery closet. It was fun watching the two boys play together with it. Grayson wanted to show Christian how to use everything on it, and got a little possessive of it. We're working on the whole sharing thing. :)

I whisked my kiddos upstairs for a little down time on Thanksgiving which then turned into a photo session.


In this picture she was discovering the ceiling fan for the first time.

Those eyes!

My girl and I.

There wasn't much snow when we got there, but we got a few inches while we were there. It was coooo-oold, but Adam was willing to venture out with Grayson for some exploring.

Bundled up and SO excited to play in the snow.

The boys (ie. Adam, Kerry and my dad) all spent time working on the traditional Thanksgiving bonfire. We worked all summer making a giant pile of driftwood to burn this weekend. Adam took this job very seriously, and even commented that we were "all counting on him" to get the fire going. After a lot of effort the blaze was roaring.

The kids and I joined my mom on a trip to visit Grandma Lily's house. I was so happy to be spending time there. My aunts joined us, and they all started going through some of Grandma's things. It was such a treat to look through things again, tell stories and just enjoy being in the home I have so many good memories in.

Grayson watched a few movies we got from the library, had a quiet time in my mom's bedroom from when she was a girl, and played outside with the boys  when they came to rake leaves.

Katelyn and I attempted to get a picture of the boys together...this was the best I got.

In the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, Grayson and I began painting coffee filters. As we painted, Grayson often commented on what a good job we were doing. :) Then I cut leaves out of the painted paper. He taped them onto the door at the cabin so it looked like leaves were falling. It was such a fun and easy craft. We'll definitely do it again.

On Thanksgiving, we enjoyed a big delicious meal. After we ate, we all wrote on pieces of paper things we were thankful for and then we put them into a jar. Next, the jar was passed around the tables and each person pulled out a slip of paper and read what was written. We then all tried to guess who wrote it. With 17+ people, there were a lot of things to be thankful for in that room. This year I wrote that I was thankful for my family of four. 

And I am very thankful.

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