Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Fire Fighter in the Making

Many months ago Grayson began asking about having a fire fighter birthday party. My dad has a friend from college who is a fireman in Woodinville, and he was willing to host a party at the station. Firefighter Larry was awesome! He showed the kids the truck, took G for a ride around the station in the truck, let all the kids try out the hose, let us take over one of the bays as we ate oodles of sugar and even let the dads watch the Seahawks game in the living quarters.

I think everyone had a great time.

Grayson was in heaven when he got to ride in the firetruck. He talks about it all the time. He loved the computer that was on the dash.

The party table and some of our guests. Larry was kind enough to set up a couple tables for us in the garage. I just put down a tablecloth and then covered it in some of Grayson's favorite sweet treats. Chocolate chippers, pretzels with melted kisses and m and m's. We had apple juice, water and coffee for drinks. 
I also added a few firefighter coloring pages and crayons to help entertain the kids. I'm not sure if the kids ever even noticed the coloring though. They went straight for the sugary sweets and barely lifted their heads!

Loves his Nana!

Checking out the fire truck with Papa.

Party kids
Some of Grayson's friends who helped him celebrate his special day.

Spraying the hose. I think this picture was right after he tried to spray Nana. He got very close to soaking her!

Showing Tommy how to work the hose.


Christian got a turn too!

Larry put on all his gear and talked to the kids about fire safety. Grayson loved that he was matching with a fire fighter. He loved the mask, and grabbed a cup to put over his face as a pretend mask.

The cake. 

I still can't believe he's three!

There was a Seahawks game on that afternoon, so the other fire fighters on duty were in the living quarters watching it. After eating cake, Grayson went inside, walked right up to them and sat on their laps. He would randomly say, "I have a question." but would never have a question to ask. He is so social. Always has been!

My sweet nephew. His outfit matched the party.

Photo op with Kellie and Alex.

The Day clan.

My family. Too bad Makenna's head is turned away from the camera. She did great during the party. Kellie graciously took care of her so I could focus on the birthday boy.

Happy birthday Grayson!

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