We went down to Arizona for a memorial for Adam's grandparents, Maurie and Evalue. It was such a fun time with family. We decided we would go down a little early to spend a little more time together. Our first stop was Wynell's house.
Grayson became a little fish and he even started swimming without holding onto us. He was very proud of himself.
Makenna loved spending time with Wynell.
The pool felt amazing in the VERY hot weather.
Pink cheeks!
My girl and me.
Sleepy cuddles with Great Grandma Nana.
Hanging out with Auntie Kellie.
This night was absolutely beautiful. It was stormy, thick humid air, and a sky that held shades of periwinkle to pink to black.
We decided we'd go for a walk after dinner.
Only my husband would have a hot cup of coffee on such a humid night!
This little girl was in her jammies, but even that was too much for her in the heat.
Something happened on the walk that was just too strange not to record. While we were walking something flew into the back of my head. It was something large, and it hit me hard. My first thought was that it was a bird. I screamed (of course) and we decided to go back home. Not five minutes later, the same thing hit my shoulder! This time I saw it. My mother-in-law discovered later that it was a giant desert moth. This thing was as big as a bird. So, after the second hit I screamed again and ran back home.
This guy walked up to the barista at Starbucks and ordered his vanilla frappuccino all on his own. He asked the barista to make sure he got the G written down on his name.
Lunch with Grandpa.
Followed by target practice with the water gun.
Bathing beauty. She loved swimming in the pool at the hotel we stayed at for the last few days of the trip. Extended family joined us at the hotel for the weekend.
Grayson actually took this picture.
The memorial was very nice. Adam's grandparents would have enjoyed it. We were all thankful to spend time together and remember their lives.
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