The next morning after our backyard camping adventure we went on a hike with Alex and Kellie to Wallace Falls. This was on the way TO the hike...
The poor kid was so tired. We wondered how far we'd make it on the hike. Seeing his Auntie and Uncle perked him up though.
Makenna loved riding on my back in the Ergo. Happy as a clam.
Lunch break!
It turns out that we read the map wrong (remember we'd had very little sleep and not enough coffee), and we'd taken the wrong trail. It ended up being a good thing though. The trail we'd taken was flat, wide and didn't have very many people on it. After lunch we took a steep trail down to the popular (busy) main trail that follows the river. It was nice to see new sites on the way back.
Grayson stayed glued to Uncle Al's side because Alex had a bag of m & m's in his pocket!
Checking out the water.
The whole crew.
Adam and Alex made the trek back to pick up the cars while we waited at the trail head.
Somehow the 4 mile hike gave Grayson more energy! I love this action shot. Haha!
My little hiking buddy.
Playing with Riley.
Playing with one of her favorite toys...a water bottle.
Grayson and Kellie got a game of hide and week going. Grayson was "it".
Auntie and her niece and nephew.
It was a beautiful hike on a beautiful day. I'm glad we took the side trail though because otherwise it would have been too crowded to really enjoy. Also I don't think other hikers would have appreciated all the times that Grayson stopped in the middle of the trail to dig or look at bugs or play with sticks. :)
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