Makenna is wearing 9-12 month cloths and size 3 diapers.
She's not crawling yet, but she's a really fast roller! She's also starting to get up on her knees and doing hysterical push ups. Crawling won't be far off!
She's gone for a seven day stretch of sleeping through the night! This Mama is very happy about that! Naps have continued to be a breeze with her. I just have to lay her down, put a paci in her mouth and one in her hand, and she's go to go. She's on an awesome schedule too.
Makenna LOVES to eat! She's starting finger food and does great getting most some into her mouth.
She's exploring sounds and has said dada, mama, and ba which means brother or puppies.
She loves playing peek-a-boo with Adam at the dinner table. She gets startled almost every time, but she loves it.
Here's her typical daily schedule:
7ish: wake up, nurse, solids, playtime
8:30: nap
10:30: wake up, play and snack
12:00: lunch, nap (we usually read a book with G)
2:30-3:00: awake, nurse (although she's starting to drop this), snack and playtime
5:30ish: dinner
7:00: nurse and bed
She loves playing with Grayson's match box cars. They play really well together with them, and it has been so much fun to watch.
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