Over this last year I have had the privilege of helping my mom get my Grandma's house ready to sell. The first time we went over we just sat in the house and talked. The house is full to the brim with memories. My Grandma was in every nook and cranny. A stack of InTouch magazines, tissues stuffed in the couch cushions, treasured family heirlooms, tiny heart pillows made by her hands, a fridge stocked with snickers bars and a freezer with homemade apple bread. Memories of the home filled with family for holidays, dancing downstairs to piano music, listening to old records of my Grandma's beautiful voice, splashing away the afternoon in the pool and munching on sugar bread. I stand in the front yard and I can almost see her standing at the door, calling out a reminder to lock my doors.
I have spent countless hours in her home over this last year, and it has been such a blessing. Not only have I been able to remember precious memories, but my kids have been able to spend time in their great grandma's house. Grayson got to know Grandma Lily, but Makenna was born a month after she passed. I have so enjoyed being able to take pictures of them in her home to help them remember the time they spent there.
We had a picnic lunch in her backyard one afternoon, and I took the opportunity to snap a few shots of the kiddos.
It was hard to get a picture of the two of them together because Grayson's "hugs" were a little too tight for Makenna's liking.
This could seriously be his senior photo! He is looking so old these days.
He was laying on his back watching the clouds. It was the first time his imagination helped him to see an elephant or a rocket ship or a volcano in the clouds.
My kids were such good sports as they had to spend a lot of time this weekend as we prepared for the estate sale. They were just incredible. This picture is of Grayson on the rocking chair in my Grandma's room.
It was a busy house, so naps were out of the question for G. He did quiet time on the couch playing on the i pad and reading his library books.
One last rock in Grandma's chair before the sale.
Katelyn and Christian came over for the day. Grayson loved having a buddy to play with.
Cheesy smile!
My mom asked if I would take some pictures of her playing the piano one last time.
"I Need Thee Every Hour" was the song she played. It was beautiful.
Makenna loved it too.
We all went over to my Aunt and Uncle's house for dinner and were joined by more family.
I love this picture of my Aunt Ginny and Makenna. Both of them were giggling.
My Mama and Makenna.
This is my cousin's oldest, Halle. They were in town from New York. It was such a treat to spend time with all of them before they left in the morning.
We all have our names and heights marked on the edge of Ginny's pantry door. Grayson and Makenna were added that night.
Makenna thought it was pretty fun.
This is my cousin's youngest, Lael. She and Grayson had so much fun together. They ate dinner outside, and would take a few bites...run around and play...take another bite...run around and play...so dinner took quite awhile to finish. Haha!
Nothing like a soccer game in your undies at the end of a long day!
The next day was hard. The day of the sale. It all became so real as we watched the furniture and things leave the house. At the same time though it was good to see it go to good homes. People came with stories to share, and were willing to hear our stories as well.
What a blessing my time at Grandma's house has been. I will never forget it.
Beautiful post! G is getting so big and I can't get over Christian too! M is beautiful and I am so glad that you were able to make and remember those memories of your grandma.