Wednesday, September 18, 2013

11 Months


Oh how I adore this girl! She is a joy and just about the sweetest thing I have ever seen!

Makenna is crawling all over the place, and getting faster every day. She's also starting to pull herself up onto things. She's not really taking any steps, but it won't be long before she does.

She's wearing 12 month clothes and size 4 diapers.

This girl loves to eat! She loves just about everything. I made a bunch of new baby food recipes this month and she's really loved those. She's becoming more independent with eating and loves to feed herself. It makes for a big mess for me to clean up, but she's proud of herself and I love to see that.


She's been weaning herself the past couple months. This happened with Grayson as well at about the same age. I've been adding in at least one bottle a day just so I can make sure she's still getting enough fluid. She's also started to hold the bottle on her own. In fact, she prefers this so she can keep playing while going back and forth to her bottle. It's such a bittersweet thing. On the one hand, I'm excited about the freedom I have to not have to be the one to always nurse her (and to have a glass of wine on my time and not based on when I need to feed her again). However, it's also a huge milestone. Nursing your baby is such a special time together, and I will miss those sweet cuddles and time with my girl.


She's talking and experimenting with sounds. She says hi, mama, dada, nana, papa, bubba (for Grayson), puhpuh (for dog or puppy), bahbah (for bottle) and she has said bye a couple of times. She's gotten really good and saying "more" with her hands. Although most of the time she just starts crying for another bite if I don't give her one fast I said, the girl loves her food!

We go to the park and she could stay on the swings all day long! She also loves going down the slide.


Makenna and Grayson just love each other so much. Grayson is still working on learning to be gentle with her, but it's certainly making her into one tough little cookie! We recently put them both in childcare (outside of church) for the first time. I asked Grayson to look out for Makenna while we were gone. The childcare workers reported back that Grayson asked to go check in on Makenna (who was in the other room in the nursery) several times. I love the protectiveness I see growing in Grayson already.


She is sleeping through the night's been about a month since this has been a regular thing. I'm loving it! She wakes up around 6:30 and is ready for a nap around 7:30 or 8:00am. Her next nap is around 1:00, and bedtime at 7ish. I'm loving this schedule.

She has the sweetest personality! I have loved watching her really develop her personality this last month or so. She is so content and just goes with the flow. DSC_0101

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