Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Festivities

Last weekend Grayson, Katelyn and I went down to the Mill Creek Town Center for their Christmas festival. It was such a fun evening! We did a little shopping and quickly realized we would need a coffee to keep us warm during the parade. It was a chilly night!

We went over to Starbucks and there was a crowd out front. As we got closer we discovered that our parents had moved their caroling location, and the crowd was for them! The sounded amazing! It took G a second to recognize them in their Dickens' costumes.The parade started soon after and Grayson loved seeing the horses, dogs and hearing the marching band. Kerry was dressed as The Grinch for the parade, and we stopped him after for a photo op. I thought G would be scared of him (the mask was scary!), but instead he was all smiles. He didn't even know it was his uncle since Kerry wasn't allowed to talk while in costume!
There was a lot of other fun activities going on like pictures with Santa and decorating cookies with eleves, but Grayson was ready for bed so we went home. I think we'll be back next year though!

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