Sunday, December 5, 2010

11 Months

Grayson you are now 11 months old (nearly a year!)!
Here's what you've been up to...

-Still in size 3 diapers and around 12 month clothes. However, your pjs and a few pants are 18 month size.-You said your first work this month! On November 27th I brought you into bed with us and you looked straight at Adam and said, "Dada". Since then you have said "Uh uh" (uh oh), "Ca" (car)

-You love fake sneezing. You have always thought your sneezes were hilarious. After a sneeze I would follow with a fake sneeze. Now you fake sneeze with me. It's an adorable sound!

-You are starting to mimic sounds you hear. You babble all the time!
-You had your first big bump this month. On December 1st I went to pick you up from the church nursery after bible study, and they were filling out an ouch report. Apparently you had fallen forward into the corner of the wall. They said you only cried for about 40 seconds and then went back to playing. You had a BIG goose egg. I spoke with your pediatrician to make sure there was no concern about a were fine but did have a bump and bruise for a week.
-You are a great sleeper. Bedtime is 7pm, and lately you've been sleeping until almost 8am most mornings! You also take about two 2 1/2 hour naps a day (I work out during the first nap and get things done during the second).
-You now have 6 teeth, and you love using them to eat your cheerios (You can see the three lower teeth in the picture below). You have been on a nursing strike for about a week and a half now, and the nurses believe this may be do to molars coming in.
-You continue to LOVE to eat. You get giddy (laughing, clapping hands, kicking legs, smacking lips) over cheerios, applesauce, yogurt, and bananas. When I go into the pantry at breakfast, you know that I'm getting cheerios and you get a huge smile before you even see them in my hand.

-You are eating mostly finger foods. Every day you've been exploring new foods.

-You have started to pretend to eat things. For example you'll "pick" something off of your book and pretend to eat it, smacking your lips together.
-You are a busy guy! You are always on the move, and you are FAST! You pull yourself up with ease, and walk along the furniture. You've stood on your own, but only for a second. You love to explore EVERYTHING, and you keep me on my toes!

-You love music! You'll "sing" along to songs in the car. And you have always loved dancing, and you have especially loved dancing to "The Elmo Slide" on Sesame Street.

-You continue to be very social and love to be around people. You wave hi and goodbye to everyone (family, friends, the librarian, random people in the store...everyone!).
I can't believe you'll be a year old in less than a month! I love you more than I could ever say in words!

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