Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Our first Thanksgiving as a family of three was just about as perfect as it gets. We woke to snow on Tuesday morning at home. Adam hitched a ride to work with a co-worker, but G and I were house bound for the day. It was the first time Grayson had seen snow. Overall, he was just very confused about this stuff that kept falling on his face.
We headed over to the lake with my family on Wednesday. We quickly dove into a frenzy of relaxing, movie watching, game playing, bonfire building and eating, eating and more eating!

I love this picture SO much!
The boys built an enormous bonfire. At one point it was hot enough to melt glass, and they revived it every day until all drift wood and scrap wood in sight had been burned. The annual Thanksgiving bonfire is a tradition that I'm sure Grayson will love participating in for years to come.
On Thanksgiving day we were joined by our extended family. I am definitely thankful for them! Grayson loved his first Thanksgiving dinner. He had turkey, potatoes, stuffing and gravy. I'm pretty sure that Adam let him sneak in a taste of apple crisp as well!

I love the beauty of the lake in the wintertime.

Playtime with Papa!

I have so much to be thankful for this year. God has abundantly blessed me in so many ways. I have a husband who loves me and seems to have a never ending supply of patience. I am thankful for the privilege of being a mama to a sweet healthy boy who teaches me something new nearly every day. I have been blessed with a beautiful home, a dream job for Adam that allows me to stay at home with G...yes, I have A LOT to be thankful for this year.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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