Wednesday, January 5, 2011

1 Year Old!

Grayson True is 12 months old! I felt very nostalgic as I remembered the details of what I was doing just one year ago. My life was forever changed when Grayson was born. He is pure joy and I absolutely adore the task of raising this sweet soul. I feel blessed that God has placed him in my care, and I pray that I will have the wisdom to nurture and love this boy to my utmost ability.Every morning when I open the door to his room he greets me with a smile peeking out from beneath his pacifier. The smiles and joyful spirit make being his Mama even more fun!

He is in the 25-50th percentile for weight at 21 pounds and 9 ounces. His height is once again off the charts at 32.5 inches! Still in size 3 diapers, but starting to wear size 4 at night. He's wearing 18-24 month clothes now.

He is so full of love. One of his favorite things to do is to give hugs to his stuffed animals. Then he'll hand them to me so I can give them hugs as well. He's also quite fond of giving them big, wet, open mouthed kisses. When we're playing he'll randomly stop what he's doing to come laid his head on my shoulder and wrap his little arms around my neck. My heart melts into a puddle every time.
He is an amazing eater! Dr. Parish gave him the ok to eat anything now...and he does with gusto! He gets practically giddy over Gerber Puffs, Cheerios, peas, cheese, and pretty much anything else I put on his tray. Unfortunately he is also enjoying throwing his food on the floor. He'll look at me as he holds a fistful of food over the floor, and then splat! The mischievous grin flashes in his eyes.
He loves to play with toys and books. His favorites right now are balls, his tractor, the remote control, a pastic duck and any and all books. We read every day, and he's starting to point out things in the books. He'll point out ducks, balls, fish, sometimes butterflies, lamps and food.
He is starting to talk more and more every day. His noises are starting to sound more like sentences now. Sometimes I'll catch him talking to himself or singing in his crib or pack-n-play. He says Dada, Duke, duck, Mama (means yum yum for food), says more in sign language, ha for hot which is what he calls the fireplace, and sometimes a few other sounds. He's also saying animal sounds for a duck, bear and dog.
Grayson is a very social baby. He loves playing with other kids, and he loves going to the nursery at church. You aren't afraid to jump right in and start playing with the kids. I am so thankful for the teachers who love you and care for you.

You adore watching Sesame Street (especially Elmo), and you'll clap and dance to the music.
Grayson is just a pure joy, and I love seeing him grow an change nearly every day. Each week he is doing something new and making a new discovery. He is overflowing with joy and it's contagious to anyone who is around him!

I have such an extraordinary amount of love for this little boy. It's a love that I don't think you can fully grasp until you have kids of your own. Every night when we put him to bed we sit and laugh about the sweet things he did, and every morning I look forward to seeing his sweet smiling face. There are challenges to be faced along the way, but I feel blessed to have been given such a beautiful son to raise. I don't think I could ever give him enough kisses! Every day I count my blessings from God and thank him for giving me so very much.

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