Thursday, December 30, 2010

Pretend Christmas

This year we knew we would be in Alaska this year for Christmas, so we made plans to celebrate with my family a week early. Katelyn, Kerry, Adam , G and I all went over for a "Christmas Eve" celebration at my parent's house. Judy was able to join us for dinner, and my mom made an amazing meal.

Traditionally on Christmas Eve the boys will smoke cigars and drink wine while the ladies do a holiday craft or make cookies. Well, we didn't do a craft or make cookies this year but that didn't stop the boys from carrying on their traditions! After we (not so politely) asked them to take showers, we watched the Jim Carrey version of The Christmas Carol. I adore all things holiday, especially holiday movies, so this one is a must have for our collection.

In the morning we pretended it was Christmas morning. We ventured downstairs in our pjs and proceeded to tear into our gifts. It took Grayson a long time to open each gift, but he learned quickly how to rip the wrapping paper off. Testing out the "ball" he found at the bottom of Daddy's stocking.
Getting help from Papa and Duke.
Getting a gift from Nana.
Playing peek-a-boo with Uncle Kerry.

We spent time relaxing, and then we had every one come over to our house that evening to continue the festivities. We had dessert and talked until we had to finish packing up for our travels to AK in the morning.

I am so blessed to have such an amazing, loving and generous family!

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