Monday, February 14, 2011

Date Day

We spent the morning and afternoon together as a family yesterday. Adam let me sleep in while he got up with Grayson in the morning. Unfortunately I didn't get any extra sleep though because Grayson was VERY vocal in expressing just how much he was enjoying his time with Daddy. He was giggling and shouting and saying "Dada" over and over. I just laid in bed smiling as I listened to them spend quality time together.

After Grayson's morning nap we ventured down to the Spotted Cow for coffee and Cheerios. Grayson flirted with all of the ladies there, and was so enthusiastic about saying "more" in sign language that we actually had two different people comment about it. Haha! What can I say,
he loves his Cheerios!
Adam walked hand in hand with G to the car. Along the way Grayson pointed out each and every leaf on the ground, bird in a tree and car around him. He loves to explore!
Next stop was the library. He dug through the bin of board books.
Then we let him use head phones for the first time as he listened to a musical Blues Clues game.
They were a little big and heavy.
But he was really into it! He had fun typing away on the kid friendly keyboard too.

Later that afternoon Alex and Kellie came over. Uncle Al said he had a gift for Gray
son, and a few minutes later G came walking into the room wearing this:
Oh Uncle Al. :)

That evening his other hot aunt, Katelyn, came over to babysit so Adam and I could go out for a Valentine's Day date. We had an amazing dinner at the Ikon Grill in Seattle. It was so nice to be able to get dressed up and spend the evening with my love.

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