Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dinner Date

On Friday we were invited to a dinner and game night at my sister's house. I love the fact that they only live about 15 minutes away from us. What a blessing. She and Kerry treated us to an amazing meal. It is always such a treat to have someone else making dinner!

The other couple that was there had an 8 month old daughter. We set up the kids pack and plays in the family room and let them watch an Elmo video on a travel dvd player. They were glued!
After dinner we played games and ate amazingingly delicious carmelitas. Grayson was not at all happy when we tried to put him to bed. He cried and cried and cried some more. After countless times of checking on him and watching the clock trying to convince myself he's eventually fall asleep...he feel asleep. We even stayed a little later and played one more game just so we could make all that crying worth it. Thank you Katelyn and Kerry for such a fun night!!

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