Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bath Water, Bubbles and Hats

Just about every other night is bath night. Most of the time Adam uses this time as a special bonding time with Grayson. It's a treat for me too since it's a break for me (although most nights I end up using the time for cleaning up dinner...not much of a break!).

Grayson loves splashing and playing in the tub. He likes to have us stick the foam letters and numbers onto the side of the tub, and then he tears them off as fast as he can.
He also loves to have his belly squirted with water shooting from the squirt toys. Oh, the simple pleasures. Ha! The other day he made a new discovery. He leaned forward, planted his lips in the water and blew. Bubbles! Well, unfortunately now he's just trying to drink the bath water whenever his face gets close to the water. Yuck!
He also loves when we put his washcloth on his head. He will immediately proclaim it a "Hat!" as he does anything that goes on his head. Piece of paper, stuffed animal, washcloth. If it's on his head, it's a hat.

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