Saturday, March 26, 2011

Talk Talk Talkity Talk

These days Grayson is learning new words every day. He has always been very social, but now that he is discovering how to communicate...he is even more so! For example, today in the store he started talking to the gal shopping next to us. He said "hi", pointed out shoes and purses, told her that her coffee drink was hot and waved bye bye. Ha!

Here is his vocabulary as of today (I'm sure it will grow tomorrow!):
Names: Dadda, Mama (sometimes, but I'm being called Nana a lot these days), Nana, Grandma (This is new. He calls her "Goo Goo" though. :)), K (for Kerry, Katelyn and Kellie), Ahhh! (for Alex). Still working on Papa and Grandpa. He's said Papa a couple times, but hasn't recently. Duu (Duke)

Words: Hot (everything is hot! We're trying to explain this one to him.), Ra (fireplace), Ca (candles), Dat (that), Ra (flower. doesn't sound much different from fireplace), Mmm (milk), Dog (Not clearly, but you can tell what he's saying. He says "Go Dog! Go!" when he's reading the book), Rauck (Rock. He thinks all chairs are rocking chairs and will try to make them move.), Duk (Duck), Rog (frog), Cherieeemo (Cheerio. He says this one different every time.), Cakar (cracker), Uh uh (uh oh), Shoo (shoe), Sau (sock)

Animal Sounds: dog, pig (my personal favorite), bear, cow, crow, rooster, owl, elephant (He just walked up to me yesterday holding an elephant and making the noise. This kid pays attention!), He growls for a horse so I'm not so sure that counts, bird,

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking Alex & Joan are tied with the best nick names from Grayson!
