Monday, March 7, 2011

Birthday Wishes

On Friday night we celebrated my Mom's birthday with a dinner out as a family. I somehow forgot to take any pictures of us at dinner, and by the time I thought to pull out my camera I had already put Grayson to bed. Grayson had a great time at dinner though. He was chatting up a storm and taking in everything that was happening around him. He had his first taste of pad thai (one of my favorites), and it was decided that he votes on his Daddy's said and thinks it tastes awful. Ha!
After dinner we went to my parent's house for an ice cream sunday dessert. Delish! We also watched the movie 127 Hours. Very intense, but very good. I didn't open my eyes for a second while he was making his "escape". Eeww!
It was such a fun night celebrating my mom. She is such a wonderful woman and an inspiration to me in so many ways. She has taught me so much about what it means to be a good wife, mom, daughter, sister and friend. She really is one of my best friends. I love you mom!

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