Tuesday, March 15, 2011

God is Good

Yesterday we visited the doctor...again. A nurse at the pediatrician's office advised us to go in because the symptoms we described led her to believe G had another ear infection. I went in expecting the worse. I struggle with letting fear take hold, and my mind seems to go crazy with the "what ifs" of the situation at hand.

The doctor began looking at Grayson, and was happy to tell me that not only did he not have an ear infection...but the fluid on his ears was completely gone. What?! Only 4 days earlier we had been referred to an ENT for possible ear tubes and told that maybe in 2 months the fluid might be gone. I had to thank God on the spot because it is only by His mighty hand that we were being told the fluid was completely gone in a matter of days.

According to the doctor, the other symptoms are nothing to be worried about. Grayson did have some sort of virus but it's nearly, if not all, gone. Whew! Big sigh of relief on our end! Now we're ready to venture out into the world again...washing our hands a few extra times as we go!

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