Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sick Days At Home

Grayson and I have quarantined ourselves to the house for the past few days. Last night his fever broke, and I think we are both glad that the end of this illness is in sight. The fever may be gone, but Grayson is still very fussy and just not himself yet.

We have been making the best of our time at home and playing a lot. There has been many tug-o-war games played with Duke. I think it is an even score so far.
A lot of playing with toys. Grayson likes pulling toys out of his baskets in the family room and bringing them over to me.
He loves playing with Adam's ipad. Don't worry Adam I don't let him hold it on his own (I only did it for the picture!). In this picture he's playing a new game where you touch each colored square to make one color cover the screen. He is actually really good at it.
A lot (A LOT!) of this has been going on.
The one "good" thing about all of this is that Grayson is full of cuddles and loves. Although he hasn't been napping well, there has been a lot of sitting together reading books and giving hugs.
There has also been a lot of looking outside. Yesterday, Grayson saw a crow outside and ever since he has been looking for it saying "Caw! Caw!".
Hopefully soon we'll be playing outside again!


  1. oh buddy! Hang in there...both of you! Lael checked out the blog with me and said, "oh! What a cute little baby baby!" I told her it was Grayson, her cousin and she said, "oh! he is really cute. I like Grayson, mom!" :)

  2. Well we really like Lael too! Hugs and kisses to you!
