Friday, March 11, 2011

The First Fever

Some of you know that Grayson has been dealing with ear infections that have been occurring since the beginning of January. After three types of antibiotics the infection is gone. However, there is still fluid in both ears which we needed to watch. I thought we would be having a break from being sick, then...

When I picked him up from the church nursery today after bible study, he was sitting in the rocking chair with one of the workers (which he rarely does). He was very tired, so tired that he wouldn't eat his lunch when we got home (This is not like him AT ALL). He took a good nap and ate when he woke up, but he continued to be lethargic and fussy. He was hot, so I took his temperature...102! One day later and we were back in the doctor's office.

The good news is that it's not an ear infection. The bad news is that Grayson has some sort of virus AND a molar coming in. Right now we're playing the waiting game and praying that his fever goes away. If it remains for 3 more days we'll be going back to the doctor.

Everyone in our house would love your prayers as this is all very new to us. Today his fever has been much lower, but he isn't acting like himself yet. Seeing your baby feeling so icky is not easy.

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