Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Easily Entertained

I've mentioned before that Grayson loves "helping" with laundry. His help usually consists of sitting on the floor while I dump the basket of clean clothes on top of him, and then proceeding to throw articles of clothing into the air. It's very entertaining to watch.

This time Grayson picked up sock after sock after sock saying "soc! soc!", so I decided to let him try on the socks...
Haha! He left them on for a good 10 minutes until I took them off!

Another little quirky thing is that G loves to pull everything out from every lower cupboard and drawer in the kitchen. Typical right? Well the quirky part is that he's now started to take my Pyrex baking dishes out into the family room...
and sit in them. Yesterday I walked out to find him sitting in the dish reading a book. Hmmm...

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