Sunday, April 17, 2011

The End of the Trip

On Day 7, we drove to St. Francis. The weather had cooled down a bit, but was still beautiful.
Walking with "Dadda" back for one more look at the fountain.

Our next stop was Chateau St. Jean. A nice employee waiter there offered to take our picture as we sat enjoying the sun on the steps. Fun fact: It turns out that we were sitting in the exact spot pictured on their labels.
We plunked Grayson down in the grass, and he just stood there for about 5-6 minutes because he refused to touch the grass. It seems grass may be able to act as a babysitter for me when I'm working in the yard this spring. Ha!
This was taken at Sebastiani, a winery in Sonoma. We let Grayson run wild and play with his beach ball in the grass. That beach ball was the perfect toy for him on this trip. He LOVED playing with it, and then when we flew home it fit great in my bag.
"Cheers!" It's common for Grayson to walk up to you with sippy cup raised proclaiming "cheers!". He would do it over and over and over if you let him.

Grayson got absolutely soaked in this fountain (he also got the rest of us doused pretty good as well!).
Last stop of the day was Artesa. It was an adventure (to say the least) while trying to find it, but once we were there it was well worth it. The views were spectacular!
Kisses for Daddy!

Cuddles for Mama.

I love this picture! It makes me laugh!

On our last day we went to visit "The Castle". It was gorgeous. The entrance fee was a little steep, so we decided to stay outside and take in the grounds.

My parents peeking out from inside the castle.

Going for a walk. He is running all over the place now!

We stopped for lunch at Ehlers where they had an outdoor eating area under a canopy of olive trees.

Yes, my 15 month old is playing bocce ball.
We made one more stop at Chateau Montellena which is some of my favorite wine. We left that tasting and headed straight for the airport. Our flight was delayed, so we managed to squeeze in one more In and Out meal to wrap up the trip.

We all had such a fabulous time on this trip. Grayson only had short naps in the car the entire trip, but he still was almost always in a spunky, happy mood. What a trooper! I love my family and I feel so blessed that I was able to spend the week with them in such a beautiful part of the country. It is a trip that will not soon be forgotten!

1 comment:

  1. I have loved all these posts so much Kyla! So beautiful! All of our kids and Zeke were afraid of grass... Ha! When Maia used to hang with Z on visits she would get these big eyes and say, " oh! It's so sad that he is afraid of nature!" ha! Must be genetic :)
