Saturday, May 7, 2011

He Is Risen! Easter 2011

We had such a fun Easter this year. After church, we went over to my parent's house for the annual festivities. Grayson wasn't really in the mood for pictures (actually, neither of my boys were!), but I still like this one.
My little Easter bunny!
Since Grayson had experience with egg hunting, he knew exactly what to do. Adam and my dad hid the eggs along the front pathway. Each egg was filled with Gerber Puffs (aka baby candy), so Grayson could actually eating the eggs contents. He did a great job of finding the eggs, but the only problem was that he didn't want to let any of them go into the basket. So he just got creative. He would hold two eggs in his hand, try and stuff one into his mouth, and another under his chin. Ha!

The big kids participated in our own egg hunt once Grayson was finished.

All festivities aside, we must stop and remember what it is we are truly celebrating. It's not about the eggs, candy or meal shared with family. The reason we celebrate is to remember what a mighty God we have. He sacrificed His only Son so that we might not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus was in the tomb on Friday, but on Sunday He rose again and reigns from heaven. Now that is a mighty God! He is risen indeed!

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