Saturday, May 7, 2011

May Day

Sunday was sunny and beautiful, so we decided to play hookie from church and go check out the Tulip Festival in Mount Vernon. It had been several years since we had gone, and this time I had a cute baby to take oodles of pictures of while he ran amongst the flowers!

Learning to gently touch the flowers.

"Smelling" the flowers. We would tell him to smell the flowers. He'd run over and do something like this. He's breathing in and out of his mouth. Funny kid.

God's creation. This photo wasn't touched one bit by Photoshop. The colors really were this vibrant.

Grayson soon tired of smelling ("eating") the flowers, and quickly moved onto the next fascination...dirt clods. He was throwing dirt left and right declaring the clods to be "balls". He is all boy. Through and through.

Attempted photo of my boys.

This photo makes me laugh. I set my camera on my sweater on a mound of dirt and used my remote to get the pic. Grayson is trying to eat the remote.

Adam played photog for me and took some amazing pictures. I love this one of us stopping to smell a few more flowers. This was the perfect way to celebrate May Day. Now let's just hope that all of those April showers will turn to May flowers!

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