Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Birthday on the River

I celebrated my 28th birthday while in Sunriver. On birthday mornings growing up I could always count on my mom having filled the kitchen (and sometimes the rest of the house) with decorations. Adam and his family have done a great job of continuing that tradition, and when I woke there were sweet decorations put up for me.

I actually heard about the decorations before I saw them. Upon seeing the balloons, Grayson immediately became obsessed with trying to get them. He called them "Mama's" since Joan had been telling him that they were "Mama's balloons". Ha!

Kellie had made these cards with messages from my family. They were perfectly placed near the coffee pot which was my first stop in the morning.
With more than willing babysitters back at the house, Adam and I went into the main part of Sunriver and rented bikes. We took a long ride all along the river, through the fields and the woods. It was luxurious spending that time with him.

We saw several deer.
While I was taking this picture of Adam on the bridge I heard a jogger coming up behind me. I started to scoot over to make room for him to run by. After taking my picture, I looked over to discover that the "jogger" was actually a deer looking straight at me only a few feet away!
He paused as if to say, "Hello!" and then continued on with his morning jog across the bridge.

Beautiful peaceful river.

That afternoon the whole family went to the community pool. The weather was amazing, but we were the only ones there! Grayson loved splashing in the "wa-wa", but clung on pretty tight to whoever was holding him.
Relaxing in the sun and enjoying a snack after playing in the pool.

The house had Rock Band, and it was a hit with all three of the boys!

The rest of my birthday was documented with pictures taken by Adam (most of which were so bad that I didn't keep them on my computer let alone post them for all the world to see on the blog. Ha!). We had a meal together at home and watched a movie. It was a great way to celebrate my 28th year!

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