Tuesday, June 14, 2011


This past week we were blessed to go on a vacation with Adam's family to Sunriver, Oregon. It was a much needed dose of sunshine and relaxation. Getting there however is not so relaxing. It's a loooong drive, so we decided for the sake of our sanity to cut the trip in two with an overnight stay in Portland.

Grayson did great in his first official night in a hotel room. I didn't get a picture of his "crib", but it was quite the metal contraption. I think he and I both were a little concerned about it. Once the lights were out he still stood in the crib as if he was waiting for us to get him out. Sweet babe was a little confused about the whole situation.
The next morning we went to a popular coffee shop appropriately named, Barista. Amazing coffee, scones and muffins. Grayson seemed to thoroughly enjoy the milk as well.

We went off to seek adventure in Portland with stops at a farmers market in a park, walking the streets of the Rose Quarter and an obligatory stop at Powell's bookstore where Grayson did dances of joy over the excitement of so many books in one store.
An open square right downtown had been filled with an art exhibit depicting the entire world in flowers. It really was incredible! Each country was done in a different flower. You can get an idea for how big it was based on how small Adam and Grayson look in the photo above.
We love Portland and were happy to have a chance to walk its streets for the morning. Alex and Kellie met us just outside of the city so we could carpool together the rest of the way. Snacks, a movie, Adventures in Odyssey and good conversation made the drive go by like a snap...well, almost.

More details about the trip to follow...

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