Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hours of Guaranteed Entertainment

For the most part, June has been pretty wet and cold in the Northwest this year. However, we have had a few sunny days. On those days we jump at the chance to take advantage of every precious minute we have in the glorious sun. On one of these particular days we waited until the deck was soaked in sun and I pulled out my homemade water table.
I had been researching water tables to buy and decided they were just way too overpriced...and I had a leftover storage bin that would do the trick. Earlier in the week I picked up a boat and a water toy from Target. I also threw in a few cups and spoons I already had at home.
The two inches of water and a few toys were an enormous amount of fun for Grayson! He splashed to his little hearts content. At first when water would spill out onto the deck he's say, "Uh oh!" but he soon learned that it was ok and starting dumping it out by the cup full.
He especially liked scooping up the water with the ladle and watching it dump back into the tub.
I finally had to pry him away to go eat lunch. Unfortunately we haven't had a warm enough day to bring the "water table" back out. Grayson will be thrilled when he gets to play with it again. Nearly every time he walks by it he says, "Wa wa!".
Now my fingers are crossed that the weather will warm up a bit so we can bring out the water table more often because: a toddler who is entertained on his own = one happy Mama!

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