Saturday, June 4, 2011

Love Is In The Air

We are currently working on updating our front yard. It is getting a huge makeover. Taking out plants, putting in new plants, taking out lawn and pouring in new bark...the works! Before we started this process we took a trip to Flower World in Snohomish. Grayson put up with being carted around looking at plants, so we took him to a little farm across the street as a treat.
The peacocks were twitterpated! God is so creative to have made such beautiful creatures.

Grayson's favorite part was checking out the chicks and chickens. He can now say "chicken". The other night at dinner I said, "Grayson, would you like a bite of chicken?". He walked over and said, "Cluck! Cluck! Cluck!". Ha! I hope he doesn't start doing that for any other meat!
Saying hi to the chickens!

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