Monday, June 6, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend 2011

We spent Memorial Day weekend relaxing at the cabin. We hadn't been up since New Year's...yikes! This was the longest we have been away from the cabin. I was in serious need of some relaxation which only the cabin can offer.

It was Memorial Day weekend so my Mom, Grayson and I met up with some other family members to put flowers on the graves of our family members in Wenatchee. This was something that was important to my great-grandma, Nana, and it has been carried on through the years.

We had oodles of flowers and got to work decorating.
Grayson wasn't so much into arranging flowers, but he did have fun!

My beautiful Mama.


Instant pals with his cousin Zeke. :)

Zeke, Aunt Laura, Lauren, my Mom and Auntie Ginny. I love my family. (My cousin Julie and my Grandma Lily were there too.)

Auntie Ginny and I. She taught Grayson to call her "Gin-Gin" that weekend.

Pat-a-cake with Papa at the cabin.

During our time at the cabin, Grayson learned how to climb up on furniture. He is quite proud of this accomplishment. I am not as excited when I look over and see him sitting at the kitchen table. Hmmm...Note to self, research ideas on baby proofing furniture. Ha!

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