Thursday, June 16, 2011

Summer Fun on the River

Grayson loves books, and he especially loves having Uncle Al read to him (Auntie Kellie is cuddled in there for this story time too). G would pick up a book and walk directly over to Alex saying "Ahh!" and hand him his book of choice. Alex never once hesitated to oblige.

It was a brisk morning, so Adam and I bundled up Grayson in the bike trailer and went out for a ride. While we were out, Grayson was able to see his first deer! He was pretty fascinated.

That afternoon we all went over to the tennis courts, and G tried his hand at the sport.

Had to check out the play ground. It was an amazing park with a fountain in a sand box and lots of musical instruments to play with.

This was the night that we had pizza at Blondie's, a pizza shop in the village that I remember going to as a kid. The pizza was just as good as I remember.

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