Thursday, June 16, 2011

Last day of Sunriver

Our time at Sunriver went by too quickly! We have packed in so much into our time here, but I think everyone feels perfectly relaxed. The last morning was quiet and warm, and it promised to hold another beautiful day on the river. Grayson spent most of the morning wrapped up in the arms of Grandpa and Grandma.

Side note about Grandpa and Grandma: For quite some time now G has been calling Joan, "Goo Goo". He came up with this name all on his own. Up until this trip he didn't have a name picked out for Stan, but while on the trip he began calling him "Manga" and it seems to have stuck thus far. So...Goo Goo and Manga it is...for now.

Grandpa took Grayson out into the woods for a little exploring, one of Grayson's favorite activities on the trip.

He found a large stick that simply had to be shown to everyone.
This picture shows Grayson's first ever tattoo! There was a fishing event at the community pool the night before. Kids fished for free in the lake (and caught some whoppers too!), there was a storytelling tent, a "talking" fish and fake fish tattoos. Grayson was very proud of his fish and loved to show anyone who asked about his "she-she".
Taking a break from dancing in the sun!

Giggling about his fish tattoo. I'm telling you, he loved it! Once it washed away we would ask where it was, and he would check his hand and then put his hands up in the air to say "I don't know!". Ha!

Lounging in the sun with Grandpa sipping on his morning coffee...or... milk.

Talking to Goo Goo.
Kisses for Goo Goo!

A quick golf lesson before we go.

Thank you Stan and Joan for a wonderful time together! I was blessed by the care that Grayson received from everyone in the house which allowed me to relax even more! The simple acts of changing diapers, feeding him a meal or exploring around in the dirt were sweet gifts. We all had so much fun and were blessed by the time spent relaxing and enjoying each other's company.

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