Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Gorge at George

Adam insisted on taking me out to dinner on Friday night (I didn't complain.). We went to Quinn's on Capital Hill. I've been wanting to eat their well known bar bites for quite some time. While the food was more exotic than I had originally imagined, it tasted ah-mazing! If you ever get a chance to go, try the burger while sipping on hard cider. A treat for your taste buds to say the least.

We had just sat down to dinner and Adam fairly burst out saying, "I have something to tell you!...We're going to the Tim McGraw concert...tomorrow...at the Gorge!". I just about fell out of my chair.

Adam doesn't keep secrets. It's just a well known fact that he is not capable of keeping quiet for long. So I was shocked that not only had he kept this date a secret, but my entire family had as well!

We had a nice morning together on Saturday and then drove to the cabin where my parents were waiting to watch Grayson for us. They were all too happy to act as accomplices, and had a great time spoiling Grayson...even let him watch his first movie, The Lion King. Since I did have cell service at the Gorge, this was the longest I would go without checking in on that sweet babe. He of course did great!

Once at the Gorge, Adam and I found a great spot just about as close as you can get to the stage in general admission. The Band Perry opened who I really like. Luke Brian also played...meh, but the crowd loved him. Then it was Tim McGraw's turn. The music started the lights dimmed, and Adam said "He's right there.". "Where?", I shouted. "Right there!". He started out the concert singing Something Like That right at the edge of general admission. I was able to run over and get within a few feet of him. It was incredible! The rest of the concert was so much fun. It was one of the best date nights I have ever had. Thank you Adam!

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