Monday, June 6, 2011

A True Seattle Kid

We had such a great weekend. It was sunny all weekend and we enjoyed a ton of time together as a family. In true Seattlite fashion, once the temperature reached 75 degrees we decided it was time for G to run through the sprinkler. Papa had gotten him pretty wet on Saturday when Grayson helped him wash the car, but this time we put him in full on swim trunks in preparation to get him soaked.
In true Grayson fashion...he LOVED it!

Every time we turned on the water he would begin wildly flapping his arms trying to gulp in the mist of water and running around in the grass.

This picture makes me smile for so many reasons. You can see his drenched with water pouring off his face. His belly button...enough said. And you can see his latest little quirk, the crossed fingers. The past couple of weeks he has been crossing his fingers on his right hand. I'm not sure what that's about, but I think it's really sweet.

Once the water was turned off it was time for a game of baseball.

Perfecting his batting stance.

I think Grayson had a good time. What do you think?

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