Monday, June 6, 2011


When Grayson was running around in the water this weekend we realized that his gorgeous baby curls were beginning to look like a mini rat tail in the back. In a bittersweet moment we said goodbye to the curls when G had his first haircut.
I had always imagined taking Grayson to a kids hair salon for his first hair cut where he could sit in an airplane and watch cartoons. However, a haircut at home ended up being even more precious and memorable. We sat together as a family on the front steps of our home in the sun while G chowed down on Cheerios. Perfection.
Hello big boy haircut!

Shoveling Cheerios into his mouth.

Grayson can you say "chubby bunny" ten times really fast?

He was great during the hair cut, and didn't seem to mind long as he was able to pull out handful after handful of Cheerios from the bag! I can't believe what a big boy he looks like with the new haircut!

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