Saturday, December 12, 2009

14 Days!

14 days...that's right...only 14 more days until Grayson is due to make his arrival! I have a feeling that he'll be early though. Or that may just be wishful thinking! Although out first due date was December you just never know!

About two weeks ago we went in for a doctor's appointment and the doctor did an ultrasound to determine exactly where Grayson's head was. The ultrasound revealed that he was in a breech position. Imagine him lying in a hammock. Head pressing into my right side ribs and buns pressing on the left...cozy for him, but not so comfortable for me!

Our doctor talked to us about things I can be doing to encourage baby to move to a head down position. With the ultrasound machine still on, she showed us how to guide the baby with a very firm push on my belly. As she showed us we watched Grayson's head move into place. Our doctor congratulated us for having such an obedient child. Last week another ultrasound confirmed that Grayson was still head down. Way to go little man!

Grayson looked huge on the ultrasound. I remember back to the first ultrasound when his entire little body, arm and leg buds and all, could fit in the screen. Now only his head fit in the screen!

Our bags are now packed for the hospital and we'll be not so patiently twiddling our thumbs until Grayson decides he's ready to meet us. I can hardly wait!! In fact I'm considering eating a special chocolate dessert that my mom makes. She says that it's put three women into labor. It just might be worth a try! Haha! I'll let you know how it goes!


  1. kyla you look great, keep us posted!

  2. You are so close! Can't wait to see pictures of him!

  3. You Look fabulous Kyla! So excited for you guys...
