Thursday, September 29, 2011

First Electric Horse Ride

This morning Grayson and I drove to Issaquah to buy a slide from a mom on Craigslist. He loves the slide! It is going to give hours of entertainment! In fact quite a few tears were shed when I told him we needed to say good night to the slide.
Side story...on the way there I was handing him pieces of his snack. He would say "Snack...peese", I would hand him a piece and he'd say "Ich qu" (aka thank you). He then switched it up when I handed him another piece, and he responded "Gracias!". Haha! I guess Kellie's Spanish lesson the other night stuck with him! I now have a bi-lingual child. Ha!
We ran a few errands to pick up clothes for this growing boy, and got groceries. Grayson asked to see the horse on the way out, so I let him go for his first "horse" ride. He loved it! He didn't want it to end and kept asking for more!

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